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• Beginners Luck Little Rascals Final Scene rewrite

” The plan was to have them loudly hurl insults and pelt him with rock hard peas. Sure he thought, I will fix her once and for all, I will not just fail but I be so embarrassing and boring her will never force push him to perform again! Spankys mom was known in the neighborhood as an arrogant, snotty lady who had an air of arrogance and superiority. Spanky knew very well that he loved her very much but her unreasonable demands are pushing him away from her. He also knew that it was futile to fight his mother who was always got her way, everyone else be dammed was her mantra, so Spanky decide he would so fix this pushy mom so that perhaps she will consider how he felt and maybe, just maybe she will learn a little humility, once and for all. I will teach her a Lesson, Spanky thought! I will make her watch me perform today and she will be sorry for her rude, everyday dominate attitude and hopefully she will learn some humility and consider treating me as a person, he thought. Even at nine years old Spanky knew it was futile to go argue with his hard headed mother. She would never stop insisting she and only she knew what was best for him. He reluctantly agreed to perform but decided he would not rebel and will perform because that is what she wants, but at the conclusion of the children talent show she will hopefully be a kinder mom.
Daisy Dimple’s mother looked at the knelling stage fright spectacle and said why doesn’t someone help her Why? I wish she would close her mouth! Her questions went unanswered by the other giggling women around her, so Daisy Dimples Mom walk out onto the stage, picked up Spankys Mom’s coat and walk to the kneeling woman to cover her with the coat, feeling awful at seeing her so terribly humiliate. Spankys mom seeing a woman approach in the corner of her eye, lunged towards her yelling “ It was you who did this to me and now you will see how it feels! Daisy’s Mom stopped immediately in her tracks, shocked, realizing her intentions was to strip her also of her cloths, abruptly halted falling backwards just barely out of grasp of the now vengeful mother.

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