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Betrayed Chapter 7

"I could have any man in this city. Do you doubt that? Don't! All I have to do is wiggle my cute, curvaceous ass, and he would be all mine! I know how the game is played and I don't mind fucking my way to the top. I've already had Jim Grant - often. I don't love him, but he's a great lay, and it doesn't hurt to get in good with the guys who can make your career. I'm gonna have him again tonight, too – and you are gonna have Rob Nelson.

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, which Jim revealed to me over 'pillow talk'. The reason Rob never got married has nothing to do with the long hours he puts in on the job. He is gay - and has an industrial-strength Jones for beautiful T-girls. When I saw you like this, I couldn't wait to put you two together. Did I 'set you up'? You bet your sweet ass I did – and for good reason! Now, you may have 'missed the memo' a few minutes ago, but he was hard as a rock the moment he saw you. He wants you so bad, I can taste it. You heard him; he will do 'anything' to keep you. What he really meant was, he will do anything to have you.

"Do you deserve this Vice-Presidency on your own merits? Of course you do! Is that enough – in our world? Sweetie, we are not gonna leave anything to chance. Here is what you and I are going to do. We are going to pull ourselves together, fix our faces, fluff up our hair, then go out and make nice with our dates. We are going to enjoy our dinner, laugh at their jokes, flirt with them, then let human nature and hormones do the rest.
"Tomorrow, we are going to pack your things, move you upstairs, get you settled into your new life as an Executive Vice-President – and I am gonna be right by your side, just as I have been every business day for the last two years. I know how hard you have fought for me in that time. Don't even dream I won't fight just as hard for you now."

I just shook my head in bewilderment.

"I guess I can chase away the butterflies in my stomach," I began tentatively. "I may even be able to screw together enough courage to go back out there. I suppose I should count my blessings; I didn't stain my suit or blouse. Hell, if you pump enough alcohol into me..."

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