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Downsizing Chapter 4

She gave you all the opportunity before she came to me. I got full details of the position because I am her last chance to pilot the program. Corporate loved the idea actually, and has been developing the male line of products since the dress code went into effect. We are not the only facility that has the exact same dress code, all of the other share in our policy. Now the reason that I must thank you is simple. My salary will go from fifty-seven grand a year, to ninety-seven grand. On top of that, I will receive seventeen percent commission on all sales of the “Male” line of products.” Just then Dani ducked behind the breakfast bar he was standing at, and stood up a few seconds later and exclaimed, “Now before you all start getting depressed at what you have passed up in your career, lets get this party going.” Then Dani threw his panties he had just taken off, and they landed on Tammy’s crotch.

Between the wine, the liquor that was brought out, and all the sex, the rest of the night was a blur. Everyone was a little bit emotional when they left the next morning. They were all wondering if it would be the same without Dani and Stacy there in the “Sexy Circle,” as they had come to call it. As well, everyone gave Dani a kiss on the cheek and wished him luck in his new position starting Monday.

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