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How I Learned To Love Drag Part 7

"You know I'm so glad I never got involved with you," I said angrily, as I tore apart my sandwich and removed the limp lettuce. "I just would've ended up being some woman you had to get up out of bed and leave at three o'clock in the morning and clean your andirons, and you don't even have a fireplace," I said with emphasis as I plastered the turkey slices together one layer after another. "Not that I would know this."

"Why are you getting so upset? This is not about you."

"Yes it is. You are a human affront to all women and I am a woman!" I exclaimed with disgust.

"Hey I don't feel great about this but I don't hear anyone complaining."

"Of course not. You're out of the door too fast," I countered as I munched on the sandwich.

"I think they have an OK time."

"How do you know?"

"What do you mean how do I know? I know," said Harry/Billy/Dave quickly and confidently.

"Because they…" I said gesturing with a roll of my hands.

"Yes because they…" said Harry with a similar gesture with the hands.

"And how do you know that they really…"

"What are you saying, that they fake orgasm?" asked Harry, signing like he was communicating with a deaf person.

"It's possible," I said, tossing my hands up to indicate doubt.

"Get outta here."

"Why? Most women at one time or another have faked it."

"Well they haven't faked it with me," assured Harry, as he chewed his kosher corned beef on rye.

"How do you know?"

"Because I know."

"Oh, right, that's right," I said as I wiped my fingers with a paper napkin. "I forgot. You're a man."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. It's just that all men are sure it never happened to them and that most women at one time or another have done it, so you do the math."

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