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Shemale Sherri Arrested for Theft

“I might want to do all kinds of things to it, but not fingerprints.”

It was not often that Sherri was speechless but this was one of those moments. Her little tent quivered and she gently tested the quality of the hand cuffs. “Well” she mumbled, “We’ll have to see about that, won’t we.”

The officer was now completing the fingerprints by entering details on the computer, Sherri stood quietly next to him, occasionally prodding the machine inadvertently with her erection. Every time she did this the officer pressed the wrong button and patiently retyped. But after another prod, when Sherri had stretched her back muscles, he suddenly gripped her little cock in his right hand and said,

“Would you mind pointing this away from the computer? You’re putting me off.”

Sherri gasped in surprise, outrage and pleasure. The grip was kept while the officer completed the procedure. It certainly kept her quiet; in fact she didn’t move at all, she just stood there, mouth slightly open, trying not to orgasm with a faraway look in her eyes.

“OK, all done.” The officer said, cheerily (and not releasing his grip) “Because you were arrested for theft there will have to be a strip search to see if you have anything else on you that you shouldn’t have. Would you like me to conduct this?”

“Err, yes, I suppose so...If it has to be done.” Resistance, it seemed, was useless.

“OK, come with me, we’ll do this in your cell.”

To a casual observer the officer was leading Sherri by the hand cuffs; actually he was leading her by the cock, the engorged and ready to explode at any minute, cock. Sherri followed obediently; her plan to raise hell in her cell was now a long way from her mind.

They entered the cell and Sherri finally had her cock released. It stayed disobediently hard. The officer stood back and said,

“Right, let’s get those cuffs off, shall we.” Sherri mumbled a thank you, not entirely sure what was going on. The officer released them gently and Sherri rubbed her wrists which had a slight reddening around them, the feeling of release was nice. Sherri wondered what was going to happen, she was sure there should be two officers in the room but felt powerless to do anything.

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