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The Chronicles of Drodge Mallea

He fell asleep, after a typically unsatisfying round of pre-sleep masturbation, with yearnings of a time when he could have a body that "worked for him."

He awoke with a start, the first of many starts that he was in for that fateful day. He threw on a robe as he got up and walked out his bedroom to the bathroom, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As he sat on the toilet relieving himself, he realized that he didn't feel normal. In fact, he felt better than normal. He felt energetic and vital, two feelings typically foreign to him, especially at that hour. As he stood up and walked to the mirror, he noticed that he looked better than usual. His skin was clear and his teeth looked like they came out of a toothpaste ad, not the usual dingy grayish-white he normally displayed.

His body was even more intriguing to him. Rather than the rather nondescript physique he often grimaced at in the mirror, his form today had an unusually toned looked to it. His arms looked lean and hard, his pecs well-defined albeit smallish for his large frame, and his stomach was flat and taut. Bran was stunned at first, thinking he was still half asleep. He was about to dismiss this appearance as a trick of the light until the robe parted slightly and he got his second start of the day.

His relatively unremarkable shaft looked as if it had lengthened to its erect length...only it wasn't erect. "What the fuck?" he wondered, as he gaped at his mysteriously lengthened penis. How was this possible? He had heard about people his age having surprisingly quick growth spurts...but this much overnight. He would have stayed there for an hour gaping at his suddenly acceptable appearance, if not for his kid sister Ali calling to him that they were late for school.

School went by in a blur, such was Bran's mental state. The day's surreal nature was made more so by several strange coincidences that Bran noted. Like French 1301, where he sat in his usual state of lust staring at Ms. Herman and her gorgeous mounds, straining against her too small blouse. He was thinking about how he'd kill to have her think of him as attractive, when she suddenly turned to look at him. Without breaking stride in her sentence, her eyes locked with his and gave him what seemed to be a subtle but distinctive look of...

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