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The Day After

I sucked his cock in one more time sucking off any cum that remained. Then pulling my mouth off his cock as it began to shrink. Standing up wiping the cum off my face with my fingers watching his face. He opened his eyes and I began rubbing his cum all over my breasts, playing with my nipples. Pinching my nipples one last time. I bent down and picked up my blouse.

Kacy says Happy birthday! I said in a soft voice as he sat there naked from the waist down and bare chest exposed.

Julie, that was the most incredible present anyone could have ever given me. Thank you!

Don't thank me. I did it for my brother. Goodnight. I said then staggered topless to the house leaving him to get dressed and pick things up.

Once in the house I went to my room and gazed in the mirror. I had cum smeared all over my face and chest. I could feel it pulling on my skin as it was drying up. I laid back on my back on my bed and closed my eyes. The room was spinning and so was my feelings. Tears flowed out of my eyes out of happiness.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes and dried my tears with the back of my hands and looked at the clock. Nine o'clock it read, so I finished undressing and put my robe on and stumbled downstairs to get something to eat. I was so hungry. I heated up some left overs from the night before and sat down and ate.

Grabbing a bag of chips I went back upstairs and laid back on my bed. The whole room was spinning out of control. All I could think about was how I pleased my best friend Wayne.

Removing my robe I crawled under the covers, closed my eyes and soon faded away.

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