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A Very Happy Holiday To Me

I was still soft and smooth all over and quickly dried off and dusted my body with a lightly perfumed powder. I went into the bedroom staring at my clothes thinking I was unsure if I was ready for all of this. I kept daydreaming for a while but was startled when the telephone rang in the kitchen and it was Bill reminding me about tonight's plans.He told me to be ready at 5:00 and he would meet me at my apartment and whispered softly in my ear that he was in love with me. We talked for a short time and told him that it was time for me to get dressed. I went back to my bedroom and started slowly to put my clothes on. I chose a beautiful cobalt blue dress with matching high heel shoes and black lace top stockings and the nicest lingerie I had. I sprayed my best perfume on all of the right places on my body to complete the effect realizing that now I was no longer a man but a pretty woman from head to toe.

The time after I got ready seemed to go slowly and then promptly at 5:00 Bill rang my dorbell and let him come upstairs to my apartment. He was absolutely handsome and nicely dressed and groomed and gave me a flower and kissed me gently on the lips. We talked for a while and then he said it was time to go to the party. We got his car where he opened the door for me and helped me to sit down so not spoil my outfit. We drove for quite some time and finally arrived at his friend's house or should I say mansion in the middle of nowhere. Bill opened the door for me again and helped me to my feet. We went up to the oak door and rang the doorbell and was greeted with a smile by Bill's friend. He said that he was very happy to see us and we entered to a house full of people almost to the point of being a little bit overcrowded. I noticed how nicely the house everywhere was so nicely decorated for Christmas and a huge Christmas tree all lit up stood in the middle of the room. A short time passed when someone asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I agreed and asked for a glass of wine. Before I knew it, I was handed my glass, raised it gingerly to my lips and sipped it.

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