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A Very Happy Holiday To Me

It tasted so good. I began to mingle with the other guests until we were told that dinner was ready. Bill and I walked over to the table with neatly written cards designating where everyone should be. I reached my chair noticing Bill was next to me on my right side. Bill gently pulled out my chair and I sat down and then Bill pushed me slowly towards the table.We were served a salad with a very unique dressing followed by an elegant meal finishing up with a huge piece of chocolate cake and coffee. I looked over towards Bill all during dinner and he always smiled back at me. I got up from my chair and began again to talk to the guests noticing that my wine glass was never empty. Around 1:00 in the morning Bill came over and it was time to leave and I saw a sly grin across his face as if he knew about something he wouldn't discuss. He said goodbye to his friend and told me that three other men were coming with us but that is all he said.

We all get into the car and drove the long distance back to his apartment in utter silence with smooth jazz playing on the radio. I kept wondering about lied ahead and asking Bill what he was planning but he just kept silent paying closer attention to the road instead. We arrived at Bill's apartment and he opened the door for me and he he helped me stand up wobbling a little bit from all the wine I had to drink. We walked up a short flight of stairs that creaked loudly and Bill let us in nodding his head to the men as if to acknowledge it was time to start. Bill hurriedly caame over to me, smiled broadly and then kissed my deeply and passionately on the lips. I felt my body grow weak yet at the same I felt I was now ready for anything. Bill told me to find his bedroom and I went there without any hesitation. I pushed open the bedroom door and saw beautiful white lingerie laying there on the bed with a note saying I was now to have the best time of my life. I got undressed and put on the lingerie which fit me perfectly and I felt so incredibly pretty and sexy.

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